Website building without expensive desktop software.

GUI when you want it and code editing when you need it.

Let's build a website! >

copyright 2011
bucket of cloud
all rights reserved
Build the website you want, your way, faster.

For example, the page you are looking at was built in 15 minutes (aside from crafting images and text).

Bucket of Cloud gives you creative license on every pixel and the end result looks the same across browsers.
Why should you try Bucket of Cloud?
  1. No "widgets" that only this product supports.
  2. Generated HTML/JS/CSS not perfect? Change it in the editor. No strings.
  3. BoC is eating the proverbial dog food.
  4. Let's face it, free (...for now...) is pretty cheap.
Curiosity piqued a little? Try the editor HERE!
How to use Bucket of Cloud
(view full screen mode)