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bucket of cloud
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Bucket of Cloud is not nearly polished enough for my liking. However, the capability to make complete wireframe and functioning websites from scratch seems like it would be useful to others. Some of the capabilities that exist now:

  1. Builder right in your Internet browser
  2. Drag and Drop
  3. Dynamic resizing tool
  4. What you see is what you get (WYSWIG) text editor
  5. HTML mode in text editor
  6. Powerful Toolbar that gives you direct access to major object styles
  7. Direct document/background manipulation
  8. Image upload or external linking

Do not think for a second this is all Bucket of Cloud will be able to do.  BoC has serious potential based on the abstract and scalable framework that is already in place. Think presentation layer of the web. Doubt it? We shall see.

Use BoC in any way you can imagine and then share with me your success or challenges. Find a bug? Tell me! Need an important feature? Tell me! Want to complain how bad this is? It is free so bite your tongue! Then write a calm email how it could be improved.

I am waiting for your input: sean.kennedy@bucketofcloud.com

copyright 2011   |   bucket of cloud   |   all rights reserved